
Video games are big business, and total global content sales now exceed both music and video combined, while also experiencing faster growth.

Until recently, the industry has lagged behind other media categories in embracing the structural, behavioural and economic shifts that have transformed entertainment. But this is changing fast, and for games publishers and other advertisers who quickly embrace these changes, the opportunities are huge.

  • Players are playing for longer, with the average gamer playing for over 10 hours per week (versus less than 8 hours a decade ago).
  • Monetisation has also increased in line with this trend – the video games industry
  • Now represents more revenue than the music and movie industries combined.


""Adopting a macro view to assess core structural changes to the video gaming industry isn’t the norm.Much future value will be derived by businesses who take a more joined-up approach across development,data""


""The fast pace of change within the video gaming industry may well have left some knowledge gaps for many parties. Both incumbents and new entrants may be left struggling to catch up and identify the biggest future opportunities""

Business models

""Successful businesses will grow by increasing their marketing sophistication, better using their data, and better connecting their fans with entertainment that excites them, both for new and older titles""

Role of social

Our Team


More players, playing more

Business models



The changing nature of video games


Watching as a new mode of engagement

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